‘We were shocked at the immediate uplift in calls’ – Moneypenny Case Study – Newmans Solicitors

Based in London’s Mayfair and Horley, Surrey; Newmans Solicitors is a little bit different. With more than 40 years’ experience, the firm boasts a team comprising solely of qualified legal professionals, thereby delivering a highly personal service directly to clients.

Saira Babar is the Managing Director and owner of the firm. Here she explains why she sought out a telephone answering solution and describes her experience of working with Moneypenny:

"By the nature of the way we do business, even as a relatively small firm, we generate high numbers of telephone calls. When we contacted Moneypenny a number of factors had combined to create a situation whereby we needed extra support. A secretary had left and we were going through a really busy patch. We were struggling to ‘staff-up’ and knew we were most likely leaving people waiting on the line and inevitably, in some cases, missing calls altogether.

“I had read about Moneypenny in a Law Society publication and gave them a call. I spoke to Bernadette Bennett and she set up a trial to pick up all those overspill calls we just weren’t reaching. We were shocked at the immediate uplift in all calls, particularly new business enquiries — opportunities we would have otherwise missed.

"Engaging with Moneypenny on a permanent basis made perfect business sense and we took the opportunity right at the start to incorporate the technology behind the company’s digital receptionist product to assist with the directing of calls. This improved our internal efficiency in terms of making sure calls were going to the right person or department and having Moneypenny behind us meant that if we were busy or unavailable, external calls would seamlessly trip over to our receptionist there.

"In the first three months alone, our Moneypenny Receptionist Donna and her team picked up a staggering 1,500 calls for us. Feedback from staff and clients was positive from the start and it was clear that callers had no idea that their call was being handled outside of our office. The call log, which is accessible anytime, is a great audit trail tool, not only useful for our own management reporting but also handy when callers try to pull the wool over our eyes!

"Moneypenny is a really valued addition to our team, giving us peace of mind that whatever is happening for us as a business day-to-day or, in the event of adverse weather, a telecoms issue or other emergency, we have all bases covered. They understand us, the way we answer calls and what our clients expect of us.

"There are so many benefits; I would recommend Moneypenny to other firms without hesitation."

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